Irregular plural noun game

This by far the most effective game I've ever played with kids.
As you know most ESL kids struggle with plural nouns in sentences.
Plural noun itself is tricky, and using it in a sentence is way trickier.

So, I designed a board game to solve this problem.

The board has empty spaces to change cards and use plural nouns in many ways.

I made 120 lovely pictured cards, they include singular nouns, plural nouns, and irregular plural nouns. Some kids always get confused after playing with just plural nouns, so I included singular nouns as well.

You will need moving pieces and a die.

To make it easier players are given these supporting  boards.
Put the card in the correct space and say the sentence.

So, this board is very useful for learning
This ~~is. These ~~are. / That ~~is. Those ~~are
This ~~ has. These ~~have. / That ~~has. Those ~~have.

Students can use the board until they get comfortable with using plural nouns.

Put the cards on the green place on the board.
Put the rest of the cards on the blue space in a pile.
Put the pieces at the starting space and roll the die.
The player moves the piece according to the number he or she gets.
The player takes the card she or he lands on and then  places it on the supporting 
board to make a simple sentence.
If the sentence is correct, the player gets a point. Replace the empty space with 
a card from the pile.
If the player says the wrong sentence, put the card back on the space and pass the die to the next player.

Since the players have the supporting board it is easier to make sentences without mistakes. From an educational point of view this is good, but it could get boring for the students.
They can earn points making the game more fun. Here is how.
The first player to pass the starting space gets 3 extra cards, the second player to pass the starting space gets 2 extra cards, the third player gets 1 extra card.

Each card they get is a point.

The game is over when all the cards in the pile are gone. The player with the most number of cards is the winner.

Once again, When kids get used to plural nouns just take the supporting boards away.

After the game, worksheets comes to reinforce spelling and grammar.

These fun worksheets will help students spell -s, -es plural nouns and Irregular plural nouns. While also learning to make correct sentences with plural nouns.
I made the matching words to make sentences pages to help kids use This, These, That, Those, is, and are with plural nouns and singular nouns.

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I hope you and your students have fun while using these materials.
